Sunday, December 16, 2012

Tragedy-lessons to learn

In light of the mass shooting event that occurred at an elementary school in Connecticut, I thought I would share some of the thoughts I've had w/regard to many posts I've seen on fb and in the news. First, let me start by saying that it is absolutely inhumane what has happened. It is without natural affection that any human being can take another human being's life, much less dozens of them. My heart breaks for all involved in this tragedy, but my heart also breaks for all of us that are trying to process such a godless act.  I thought I would hit on a few, not all, of the things I have observed with regards to this event. Please know that these are my thoughts only. They are based on the experience I have in life, my love for discovering the truth of what God would have me know/learn, and on my own common sense given the situation. You may disagree with me and that is o.k. I use this forum simply to share my own thoughts and give all of my readers something serious to consider. I do not use it to cause dissension, disagreement, or to set in judgement on anyone else's opinions. It is also not my intent to cover every issue in great detail, just hit a few that I've recognized initially.

Let's just get the big pink elephant out of the room...gun control. Is gun control the issue at hand? Absolutely not! Self control is the issue at hand, or should I say the lack thereof. God has every answer for every thing we may face and He tells us a fruit of the spirit is self control. It may be cliche-but it's true-guns don't kill people, PEOPLE kill people. Let's get real-it is evident that the teachers at Sandy Hook did EVERYTHING in their power/control to protect the lives of their students.  That is to be admired in this society when so many of our citizens think "every man for himself" and are so self driven. It makes me proud that we had so many HEROES trying to do the right thing to preserve the lives of the students they loved.  Here's my thought about gun will be an absolute disaster if we take guns out of the hands of "law abiding" citizens that will use them properly. Those that want to "kill" will use whatever methods are necessary to do so...look at history. GUNS are not the "weapon of choice" for brutalized killers in history. Gas chambers, bombs, etc...numerous other "devices" have brought millions to their deaths, not because of the "device" used-but because of the hearts of the men using the device! The men's hearts are evil, lack self control, and the root of course is that they do not respect GOD! If they did, they would NEVER take the lives of another person that contains a soul that was created in His image. Here's my common sense solution-let's allow the teachers in the classroom to have a gun to protect their children. That's what we did on aircraft after 9-11.  Things would certainly have turned out differently on Friday in Connecticut. These teachers PROVED that they would do anything-even stand in front of-to protect the children. So, why not give them the means they need to keep something like this from occurring, let's "level" the playing field. If just ONE law-abiding,  God-fearing, child-protecting staff member had a gun in that building on Friday-the shooter is possibly the ONLY one that would have died and the innocent could have been preserved/protected. I don't understand why anyone would believe that "guns" are the issue....guns are a TOOL and there are plenty of other tools a person that "sets his heart" (scriptural language for you there) to murder another person WILL use. In this case, it is OBVIOUS that this young man had his "heart" set on murder. We need to keep guns and make sure as many GOOD people have them/can use them as the enemies.

Which brings me to my second point. The hearts of men. THAT is the issue here. WHY did this young man commit murder against so many young lives? That seems to be the question that everyone wants an answer to. Unless there is significant proof that the young man was mentally impaired (which would mean he should have been institutionalized to protect others)-so far, this is not the case. So, for the sake of this blog entry-I am going to assume that he was just your average person with no lack of mental capacity. Some may say, "Wait, how could you NOT have a mental problem and kill all of those innocent children?" Because of lack of self control and the lack of God being the center of a person's life. WITHOUT God as the center, guess WHO reigns in men's hearts?  Yes, you guessed it, Satan. Each individual person chooses whether they will allow God or Satan be at the center of their lives. Only one of them can be your ruler. So, when Satan is your "ruler" of choice, you will perform the evil works of darkness. My fear is that so many people believe they just don't have to "choose", that they can just be a "good person" and that means they are on God's side. NOT TRUE...if you want to be on God's side-you must do the things necessary to join "HIS army". So, therefore, if you have not CHOSEN to be in the Lord's Army, you are by "default" in Satan's and don't be deceived, you WILL find yourself among some of the world's most deceitful, disgusting, criminals in Satan's army. I challenge us all to look seriously at our own lives and "declare war" against Satan. Make GOD the King of your life, let HIM be your Commander and ruler. If the young man that committed this crime in Connecticut had God as his center, he would NOT have been a part of this tragedy. We have to be about changing the "souls/hearts" of people. This starts by bringing God back INTO our homes, schools, society at large. If we buy into the philosophy that so many schools teach as "truth" today-then we are all just "animals" that evolved and when we are dead, we are dead-there is nothing else. We cannot allow Satan to take more innocent lives through this vain philosophy-it is a LIE! We are created in God's image, we have an eternal soul, and EVERY life is valuable...even the life of the shooter-Jesus died for HIS sins too-he just chose not to recognize that fact. Will you, dear reader, recognize that fact? Will you take and learn this lesson from the crime against us?

Finally, I just want to finish with something VERY positive. The fact that God is such an amazing/awesome God. His ways are perfect and His promises are true. NONE of these events comes as a surprise to God. He has told us over and over throughout history (through His Word) that man "cannot live on bread alone"...we NEED HIM! It is in times like these that I take great comfort in God's word. I know that every one of these children are now safe in the arms of Jesus. Interesting how in one moment a shooter can "mean something for harm" yet God brings good from it. This shooter was evil and inflicted "evil" on these young lives, but God took all of that away the moment their breath left their little bodies. They will NEVER know any more pain in this world, no more suffering, no more tears, they will never have to hear about future shootings/tragedies-for they are in the safe place of the arms of Jesus-forever comforted and happy. We can rest assured that the shooter is not. Because God's word is true-He is a just God and promises that all those that partake in the evil works of darkness will meet eternal condemnation in hell. I am sorry that the shooter did not choose a different path for himself. But, God allows us to "choose", He does not make us robots. He wants us to CHOOSE to love/serve Him and choose we all must-either God or Satan-those are the ONLY choices we have. So, today, I rejoice in knowing that these innocent young children are with our Savior, resting in His arms. I pray that each/every family member, loved one, etc...of those children will KNOW this truth. The truth that the children are now safe. I pray that they will CHOOSE God to be the center of their lives. That they will join their children and be reunited once again.

My final thought is simply this. This life is meant to prepare us for eternity. We are created to love/serve God here on this earth...journeying through until eternity. The question is-will we pass this test? ARE we living our lives, every day, with God as the center? God will not FORCE anyone to choose Him. He gives us free will. No matter what happens in this life-even tragic events like Friday in Connecticut-we can know FOR SURE that if we are following God, it helps make life so much easier to understand/process. We realize that God wants us to DEPEND on Him, that's what we are created for. To learn, through life's circumstances, that without Him, there is NO HOPE! But, with Him, there is great hope and the choice is ours.


  1. Well said! I choose God! Thankyou for those wise words!

  2. Lovely points you've given us to consider. What saddens me most is to see the choice that some people make, when there could be so much more in life for them, if they were to choose God instead. Thanks for the uplifting read :)
