Monday, December 24, 2012

Christmas and what it means to me

As I sit here on this Christmas Eve, I type by the lights on my tree-one of the joys and pleasures that I cherish each year during this season. I have enjoyed reading all of my fb friends post this evening about their various celebrations w/family and friends as well as the preparing that Santa and Mrs. Claus is doing for children I know all over the globe. I don't normally post about Christmas, but this year I find that my heart is full to overflowing with what Christmas has come to mean to me over the years. I have ALWAYS enjoyed every holiday, but Christmas has always been my favorite. There are several reasons for this, I loved it so much that I CHOSE to be married at Christmas time and even had Christmas flowers in my bouquet! However, the main reason that I love Christmas goes back to my childhood. I have SO many memories involving Christmas and not just during the holiday season. Part of my "legacy" is that I have parents that worked at a Christmas decoration factory for a large period of my childhood. They manufactured ornaments-particularly beautiful glass balls w/glitter, bands, pictures, etc...and eventually even "shaped" blown glass style ornaments which have come to be my favorite over the years. Christmas was around me ALL year...not just at Christmas time. One of the first times I ever remember earning money was during the summer when I was about 9, I sat for several hours during the day and used an old fashioned paper cutter to cut boxes of "bands" (on the dotted lines) that would be melted around the glass balls at the factory. Of course this was before automated machines did this job, so yes, I suppose this statement "dates" me a bit!lol But, perhaps this gives you a bit of insight into WHY Christmas is special to me.

Last year at this time, my family was not all together for Christmas. My hubby was half way through his 1 year tour in Qatar and we "postponed" our Christmas celebration until mid-January when he returned. Last year, the girls/I were with my sister and her family in Blackwater, Missouri(our future retirement home in 3 years time:) For the first time, my girls were blessed to help play the role of "Santa" for my nieces and got to see the way things work "behind the scenes" at Santa's workshop-we have some great memories from our 3 days at my sister's last year and wouldn't trade them!  It was fun to "step back in time" and see Christmas through the eyes of very young children. It had been many years since my own girls have experienced that childhood "wonder" that comes during the Christmas season, so it was a joy for all 3 of us.  This year, we are blessed to ALL be together again. John has been "home" with us for 6 months now, Rebecca has "returned" home to us (in a new abode in Arizona) from her sophomore year in college after being away for 5 months, and we are all healthy/well just enjoying "life" together during this most wonderful time of the year.  It's interesting how as we and our children grow/mature, the meaning of Christmas can grow/mature with us.

 I suppose, for me, the "root" of what Christmas means to me is the same yesterday, today, and tomorrow. Besides the short period of time in my life that I was a VERY young child and only thought of "myself" and what Santa would bring ME-Christmas has always meant a time of love spent with those that mean the most to me.  My experience has been that it doesn't matter what's under the tree, what food is on the table, who the day is shared with, etc...but the LOVE that is shared is what Christmas is all about. Love is such a beautiful word and one that the bible speaks of again and again. Though it's a very misused/abused/misunderstood word in our modern culture, when we return to the root of the word-we find God. GOD IS LOVE! Without God, we would not know love nor understand it. I am thankful for love-the love of my husband, children, parents, siblings, friends, brethren, and most of all, the love of God. At Christmas time, more than any other time of year-I am reminded of love. It is expressed every where I go. Sometimes in a material gift-the idea that someone "thought" enough about another to take the time and financial resources to purchase something for them. Sometimes in a party/festivity-someone takes the time and financial resources necessary to arrange a place for others to be together/enjoy one another's company. Sometimes it's in a meal-someone takes the time to prepare special foods and shares it with others. Sometimes it's in a beautifully holiday decorated home-someone took the time and financial resources to plan, decorate, and display special things for others to enjoy.  Sometimes in "time"-the fact that so many slow down for this ONE day a year and just spend "time" with those they care about. Any/all of these things CAN express love, however they don't always. The motivation behind these "acts of kindness" speak more to the idea of real love. Real love can be found in Jesus. Jesus came to this world to be born as a baby, live His life as a man, and die on the cross/was raised again so that ALL mankind could have the opportunity to come into relationship with God. There was NOTHING in it for Him. He did it, because He loved us and chose to obey His Father in all things. So, tonight I am reminded of what Christmas means to The love that I have for others, the love they have for me, and most of all the love of God which came through His Son, Jesus. While I know the bible does not speak of "Christmas" as a holiday we are commanded to celebrate as Jesus birth, I am thankful to have a time of year that I am reminded how very important love is. A love I could not know if it were not for God sending His Son into this world as Emmanuel-God with us.

It is my prayer that we can ALL live our lives as Elvis Presley sang in these words of a song:
"If every day were like Christmas, what a wonderful world this would be!"  I challenge my readers-until next Christmas-make EVERY day like Christmas. Share love w/others-just "do life"with them, no matter the day of year. Take time to spend a day off with those you love, purchase something special for them-for "no reason" in particular, plan a special meal for them using the "good" china, decorate for a "special" day together that isn't "on the calendar" as a holiday, etc...I challenge all of us to do LIFE as though every day were Christmas. It is possible, if we don't get "caught up in the details" (like so many of us can/often do this time of year). Keep the focus on love-mainly the love of God and all that He has done for us. Merry Christmas to all that may read this blog and may we keep the spirit of Christmas(love) alive every day in our hearts.

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