Monday, August 29, 2011

"Simple/old school" often BEST!

As I sit here this afternoon, I have a lot of things running through my mind about some recent events that I've heard about or that have occured around me. One of the things that keeps coming back to me is how "simple/old school" is so often the BEST way! Too bad we live in a society that places a premium "value" on new things/ideas, because truly some of the best things in life are so simple and "old school". 

In the last couple of weeks, I've been reminded of this in SO many ways.  Why do so many of us buy into the lie (I believe it's Satan's btw) that "newer" is better?  A few weeks ago, I was blessed to find a dramatized version of the N.T. scriptures in the NKJV of the bible on CD.  I have always been one that tries to maximize my use of time-so that often involves multitasking.  I wanted SO desperately to take these CD's w/me to the gym while I was using the cardio equipment.  FINALLY, I was able to find a portable CD player-w/headphones-to take to the gym with me.  Yes, I got a lot of strange looks, you know-the kind of looks where people think you've done gone and LOST IT!  Anyone who knows me, knows that I am not one to care much what others think about me...only when it comes to representing my God well, now THAT I care about.  But looking like an "old school" person because I didn't get the latest version of the dramatized bible on my IPod or MP3 (which I have NEITHER of those btw)....not in the least bit concerning to me! I cared more about being frugal w/blessings that God has given me...these versions of the dramatized bible are outrageously priced! I got the entire NT for $9.95...I was NOT turning that down-add to that the $23 dollars for the portable CD player/headphones and my thinking is that I was a better steward of our funds by choosing the "old school" approach and receiving the "very same" message I would have received through the "newer" technology!  I do not want anyone to take offense at this...I am NOT demeaning technology, I am NOT opposed to technology, I actually OWN new technology and feel blessed to have point is simply that new does NOT always mean better!

Yesterday, I was speaking with my sister about my niece's first week of school. We were discussing how my niece is SO blessed to be in the teacher's classroom that is instructing her this year. Not because he is a "new" teacher or teaches under a "new" philosophy that is so often pounded in up and coming educator's heads.  But because contrary to popular opinion, this teacher continues to teach with a very "old school" approach. He understands that there is MORE to life than higher education...he understands that sometimes the best education one can receive is in life itself. My niece (who btw, seriously is a genius therefore at times socially delayed) is going to gain so much more than mere "head knowledge" from school this year.  She is going to be in an environment that will encourage her to focus on things that are important in this life.  To honor and respect authority-both at school and home.  To understand that it is a "privilege" to go to school...not a "right".  To accept responsibility for her own actions.  Lifeskills that are so simple-yet so necessary/needed in our society.  My sister is so incredibly blessed to live in a small community and teach at a school where everything doesn't have to be "pc", where parents expect their child to have a teacher that will hold them accountable, where parents don't make "excuses" for their children's lack of character/proper behavior, where the community is "inclusive", small, yet VERY diverse.  Again, SO simple, SO old school...but what an amazing place for our world to look at and learn from.  Old school still works!  I'm not talking about "thrashing knuckles" when students don't learn their time tables...but I am talking about a place where a child's homework assignment is to "respect/obey their parents" (yes, that was actually my niece's homework assignment and a VERY needed one!).  Again, what happened to make us believe that we had to do something "newer" in order for it to be better?

 I was reminded on Saturday evening, that newer is not always better.  Michaela and I are still working on this "2 of us" living arrangement.  Rebecca has been away at college for a little over a week, hubby is still away with his job.  So, we're still adjusting to a different pace in the house both w/regards to division of chores, cooking for 2 again on a daily basis, etc...  There are some things we're finding that we are really enjoying...actually some "old school" things.  After being away most of the summer...we are enjoying sitting down at the dinner table again every night as a "family", a "family of 2", but still a family nonetheless!  We enjoy our time to talk about our day over a meal, planning out our week together, sharing a dinner table bible devotional w/some thoughts about some very important things-things that are eternal.  We also purchased a "game" on Saturday...apparently an "old" game that I was just unfamiliar with until last week- Mexican train dominoes. Mic/I LOVE to play games...hubby/other daughter-not as much.  This year gives us time to spend "quality time" (which is both of our highest love language) together enjoying a game.  While looking for these 12 sided dominoes for the game, I realized just how long it had been since I had been in a "game section" of a store.  So many many "new" games available to purchase/play.  I'm sure many of them are fun...but I can tell you that Mic/I absolutely LOVED the old school dominoe game.  She wanted to play got very late and we needed to get into bed for worship the next a.m.  We both wished we had skipped the movie we watched earlier that evening and just went straight to the game.  Funny how something "old school" like a simple board game (I mean, it's NOT a Wii/PS 3/Etc...) can bring so much enjoyment/quality time.  Again, don't misunderstand me-it's not that I am opposed to any of those things. Actually own a Wii...purchased our first one 2 years ago.  However, I will tell you that Mic NEVER asks to play the Wii...yet she always wants to play a board game/cards...simple/old school...but oh so much better for her!

Finally, I would like to apply this thought in the most important way-spiritually.  Why is it that so many who would call themselves Christian always believe that "newer" is better? Better to have the "newest" curriculm, better to have the bible on your IPhone, better to have the latest hymnal, better to use the latest info available among the "experts" on raising our children, better to do any myriad of things to bring others to Christ.  Again, please don't misunderstand me-I am NOT criticizing technology, "change" or trying new things, etc...I am merely saying that we can't buy into the lie that newer is always BETTER...because often that is not true-particularly when it comes to spiritual matters.  If we think of God in our terms...He is OLD-I mean He actually has no "age" because He IS age...He has always existed! Something so difficult for our finite minds to comprehend!  God's "ways" may seem "old fashioned" to so many in the world today. I mean, how often have you heard someone say that the rod spoken of in Proverbs was "figurative" when it came to disciplining children? Really? If that's the case, then why did God say, "If thou beatest him w/a rod, he shall not die!" Doesn't sound figurative to me! But, of course in our modern age, this is not "pc" and the "experts" tell us it will damage a child's esteem to try to correct him/her in anyway physically.  However, each of us need to realize that God said that "the wisdom of men is foolishness w/God" is only HIS wisdom that will truly make one wise! God is very a-political (certainly not "pc"), a-educational (certainly not BIG on higher education being the end all of all-Jesus became the son of an earthly carpenter-doesn't sound very HIGH on the totem pole education wise, huh?), etc...God is "simple" and very old school in nature.  His message has always been the same-"Love Me with all your heart, mind and soul".  No matter the dispensation of time-whether of the Patriarchs, Moses, or the current Christian dispensation...God simply wanted man to understand that He created us...HE knows what's best for us, only HE can save us from eternal condemnation, and that we were created to live for HIM!  Such a simple message...nothing new-though we certainly live under a "new covenant", in this case, a BETTER covenant (though it's new)-obedience comes now through being cleansed in the blood of Jesus Christ through baptism.  However, the message is not "new"-we obey because we love Him and we choose to serve Him. Just some things to think about when we consider all of the "new" things available to us in this world-ask yourself the question-is new "better" in this case (sometimes it is and new certainly doesn't mean "bad")?  Praying that each of us has the wisdom from above to discern whether simple/old school or new is better in helping us with our day to day living and most importantly with our decisions that will affect us eternally.

1 comment:

  1. Excellent points, and I totally agree!!! People think we are so crazy because we don't have cable/satellite anything.. but I don't see paying for some of the garbage that's on there now days! I'd rather turn on the radio and listen to music than sit around for hours and just watch TV. And, I don't understand how some people will put themselves and their families in debt just so they can have the cool new things that come out. If you can't afford it, don't buy it. Save your change, you'd be surprised how fast it accumulates, and then you can go and buy the new toy, and not have to suffer the credit card consequence :)

    So glad you updated your blog! I enjoy reading it so much! :) (and I need to look for those cd's!! they sound awesome!)
