Tuesday, August 23, 2011


August 23, 2011

It's been over 2 months since I last blogged. I have missed this so very much and there are so many things I could blog about. I'm going to try not to overthink it too much and just go with what comes to my brain as I try to catch up a bit.  As per my title today-life is a BLUR these days. In some ways, that is a blessing-it means that I am one step closer to my hubby being home with me again, one step closer to my children being grown so that I can enjoy time alone w/said husband, and most importantly that I'm one step closer to being at home w/God for all eternity:)  That thought indeed brings a smile to my face and song to my heart.  As I daily grow older, I am ever reminded of James who wrote that "life is a vapor, it appears a little while, then vanishes away."  Of course I said "in some ways" it's a blessing...in other ways, it makes me sad.  Because life passes so quickly, it is often easy to "let life slip by" through the busyness of my days and not appreciate all of the little things that God brings into my life each day.  The blessing of "time" to blog, spend time encouraging others, studying more from God's word, praying more for all of those I love, etc...  This summer there was MUCH change in my life/many events that surrounded my family and those I love.  It would be nearly impossible to blog about all of it in one installment-so I won't. Instead I'll give you a brief highlight/overview. The first week of June-my family went on their last trip together to Universal Studios in Florida. While on this trip, we were blessed to stop/visit w/some very dear Christian friends from our past (pre-children).  It was such an encouragment to see the Noble's after all of these years. We last visited with them in 2003 when our family went to Disney World. So much had changed, for them and us, since that time. Yet another reminder that time marches on quickly. As much joy as our family shared during that trip together-we also shared sorrow when we received the news that dear Christian friends had lost their 19 yr old autistic son through a tragic accident. My heart was so very full of hurt for this family-still is.  There I was, returning from a magnificent time in Florida w/my family for a week to learn that another family's life had just crumbled around them and grief was so heavy in my heart.

Mid-June-our girls were blessed to go to bible camp in Searcy. It was also my husband's last week of work here at Little Rock AFB...ending an "era" for him. This was his second assignment to Little Rock and would be his last time here during his AF career. It was an enjoyable week-just the 2 of us-with the girls away at camp. We always enjoy time alone together-but this year it was especially sweet given he would be leaving for a year. The last full week of June-we attended VBS at Hwy 65 congregation in Conway just as I have every summer that we've been stationed at Little Rock. It was bittersweet-the first time I attended VBS there...Rebecca was just beginning elementary school-this last time I would attend-she was unable due to working her full time job on base for the summer.  My hubby had never been blessed to attend their VBS due to the fact that he works hard for his family, therefore is unable to go during the day.  This realization helped me appreciate him so very much-I had been blessed to go because of his sacrifice. 

End of June into 4th of July weekend-hubby, Michaela and I headed off to visit relatives before John left the country for his one year tour of duty.  It was "different" not having Rebecca along on the trip with us...but we all know it's a part of life. Part of our growing up as parents, part of Rebecca growing into adulthood, and part of Michaela getting accustomed to doing things w/us without her sister.  It was a blessing to have this "adjustment" time. That's what I feel much of this summer was about for me. God teaching me/allowing me to have time to adjust to new situations/life changes that were coming upon me/my family.  I am thankful for that.

Hubby was off on July 5th-he's officially been away from me for 6 weeks today.  Several have asked if I miss him...well, DUH, silly question! Of course I miss him-he is my best friend, my partner in the faith, my lover, my coparent with the girls...what is there NOT to miss! However, I am not one to sit around and complain about a situation, dwell on what can't be changed, etc... Instead, I will move forward with my daily life as best as I can, without him, until he returns to me. We've been seperated before-this is not the first time. He is in the military for 26 years now...so, yes, we've been apart.  No, not for a year...but even in this year the Lord is providing blessings of "things" to look forward to, things to occupy my time in ways that are God centered, etc... I will be blessed to spend about 10 days w/my hubby the end of October. So, yes, I will be with him in the very near future-I will once again be able to hold him, spend time hanging out with him, etc...  Then, in January, he will return for his "mid tour"-15 days with me again.  Consider this with the new technology God has blessed us with-SKYPE! We "see" each other every night-talk together face to face as though we did before he was gone, etc... I am so incredibly blessed and I refuse to be a complaining military spouse that makes things even more difficult on my husband while he is away.  I will "soldier on", remembering that God is always with me, I have many God peeps that are available to help me, and I still have a household to manage/2 daughters to care for.  So, yes, life is a BLUR! But, the blur means-I'm one day closer to my honey returning to me and ultimately spending eternity w/him and my God in Heaven...that makes it all worth it:)

Mid-July, Michaela and I took my mother-in-law to Michigan to visit her daughter that she had not seen in 4 years. It was nice to get away and spend time w/Becky and her family. It's always a pleasure to meet w/worship with brethren in other places and it had been 4 years since we last met with brethren there in Michigan. Upon returning from the trip-I found out that my brother had a heat stroke. I'm grateful he is o.k., but I do pray he can get another job that will allow him to get out of the heat soon.  On return trip, also had the blessing of spending an evening/dinner with a niece.  The niece that was the flowergirl in our wedding and is due to have her second daughter in October!lol  Now, that makes my life a blur!  After leaving my mother-in-law, we were headed to my hometown so that I could attend my 25th class reunion.  It was a good evening with old h.s. friends and again, certainly puts life in perspective-how quickly things change and time passes.

The final week of July-the girls/I went to youth camp as we have every year since our return in 08.  What a blessed week it was. So much encouragment, spiritual edification, excellent sermons, bible studies and of course just good old fashioned "fun" with our God peeps from various parts of the country all week. We had more campers/staff than EVER this year-170! We 3 cooks (which is what I do at camp) had a busy week trying to keep all of those bellies fed while the men/young boys kept their spirits fed. It's always sad to leave camp, but this year was especially sad for me because I know that I won't be able to go next summer due to our move to Arizona during that time. However, I refuse to allow Satan to take away all of the joy I've received from my time there by focusing on what I'm losing. Instead I choose to remember all that I've gained. Some amazing Christian friendships, growth in the knowledge of His word, and many memories w/some of the greatest Christians this side of Heaven.  It has been a pleasure and certainly has helped make me who I am today.

This brings me to August-phew-I'm getting pretty tired-how about you reader-does it make you exhausted just reading about these adventures?lol  The first couple weeks of August-I spent them helping my girls prepare to return to school. The first week was for Michaela...purchasing school supplies, a few clothes, getting her drivers license, and redecorating her bedroom for the "final" time before she leaves home in 3 years.  The second week was for Rebecca...getting all of the supplies to "set up" house at her dorm room, taking care of ordering her college books, packing her up and moving her into the dorm.  So, yes, it's been a CRAZY summer! I was honestly ready just for some "normal routine".  I enjoy traveling, love to visit friends/family, etc...but boy, I really did need some "down time".  Honestly, it still hasn't happened yet...but I'm getting there.  Michaela has been in school for 2 weeks now-things are going o.k. for her.  Today was Rebecca's second day of college classes and 4th day in her dorm room-things are going great for her.  I am desperately trying to just "normalize" my household after so many changes and being away for so much of the summer.  I am getting there, slowly.  I still have a "to do list" before I can truly "rest" again.  Rest, what is that anyway? That's what I do at night when I go to sleep. The "new normal" should be right around the corner-about first of September I suspect if I can "stay on track" with my catching up on household management.  It helps having the girls both in school/away during the day. It helps even more to have only myself/Michaela to be responsible for (almost, Rebecca still needs a few things now/then...so we're getting there). 

I don't want to close out today's blog without mentioning my progress on my word of the year- "health". Physically, despite all of the craziness, not being able to get to the gym every day because of being away much of the summer, etc... I actually "maintained" my weight since the first of June and last week officially "broke" the plateau and lost 3 more pounds.  I am VERY happy with that. It's HARD to maintain when you are on a "perpetual" vacation all summer-both from a proper eating standpoint and def an exercise standpoint! Spiritually, I am growing every day. I have new bible memory goals for myself and am on track doing well right now. This came to my mind earlier this summer when a brother asked me to participate in 100 days of scripture where you learn a verse a day over the summer. I wanted to accept the challenge, but knew that was unrealistic for me given the pace of my life this summer. So, I decided to begin a different sort of challenge-it's 2 verses per week.  I'm also reading through the life of Jesus right now every day as well as 1 Proverb to gain wisdom.  Emotionally-I'm doing well. There have been a LOT of changes in my life and in the lives of those I love this summer. There has been loss, success, new love, etc...but through it all, with God's help I have managed to remain emotionally steady.  I suppose this will end my blog for today. Another one of those "household management" things has just come up...it is time to cook dinner for Michaela/I so that we can once again, hit the gym after our dinner table devotional following dinner.  I hope to find time to blog here at least once a week now that life is returning to a "new normal".  Praying this finds all of my readers well adjusted in their own lives and taking time to enjoy life as it tries to WIZ by us...don't let it, take time to appreciate life's simply abundant treasures! Til next time.

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