Friday, July 6, 2012

6 months gone?

It does not even seem possible that I have not blogged in a half year???? Life has been just a little hectic since my last blog the end of December. For those of you that are friends on fb, you totally understand my crazy life since January! I won't even begin to try to recount everything that has happened in the last 6 months. However, given that my last blog was about the idea of contentment, let me just say in the last 2 weeks, I have not done very well in that department:(  I have been extremely edgy, almost depressed at times, definitely not my normal self. I could give a million "reasons" for that, though really they would be nothing more than excuses. Though some of you might find them "justifiable" even (given my current life situation), I have been disappointed in myself, the way that I've let life "handle" me instead of me allowing God to handle my life-truly giving it to Him and leaving it there. I haven't slept well, a million thoughts have swirled through my mind given the "to do" list I've had, I haven't had the time to exercise regularly/eat "clean" the way that I've grown accustomed in the last year and a half. So, yes, it's all been a bit stressful and I have not been a person of gratitude/contentment. I admit that, humbly, and can only say that I have learned a lot more about myself and the areas of character (like Christ) that I need to grow in. It has also "reaffirmed" that truly, without God, I am nothing. I am weak and I cannot imagine a life without Christ as the center. Without God, I would certainly have resorted to many sinful/non-helpful habits in the last few weeks to get me through the days. Praise God that I was at least aware enough to keep myself from outward sin that might harm my influence/example with others. However, I did struggle inwardly. I admit that I just wanted to throw a big tantrum at times and "tell a few folks off"...though certainly that would not have been the way Jesus dealt with it. Oh, don't misunderstand, Jesus DID correct those that were in sin-He even overthrew the money changers tables. However, in my case, I know He would have said, "Get over yourself, change your attitude, things aren't going "smoothly", big deal, it's not the end of the world-things didn't go smoothly for Me either and I was crucified on a Cross for sins I did not even commit!"  So, you see, I've basically been a big baby, a big selfish baby that just wanted people to "do their job" so there was no inconvenience to me. Well, that didn't happen and I allowed myself to be frustrated, even angry, about it at times. I allowed it to become an excuse to not speak kindly to others (as I normally try to do and am characterized by). With this realization I have prayed forgiveness from God for my unholy attitude of the heart and I am "forgetting what is behind and pressing forward to the goal".  I have another 6 months this year to make some real difference with my "word" of the year, contentment and I pray that I will be able to report that I have done just that. In the meantime, I pray that each of my readers will learn from me, there's NO circumstance in your life that can occur that can steal your joy unless you allow it.

1 comment:

  1. Vicki, you are a great inspiration for many of us out here in blogland! :) Thanks for being honest with us, and praise God that you realized your emotions and caught them (sometimes I'm guilty of not doing that!)

    We are both praying for you guys and know that God's favor will be over you and your family regardless of where you are or what your doing.

    Keep on blogging so we can keep up with you though once everything starts to settle back down! :) I love reading them! :)
