Monday, January 17, 2011

Inspirational thought-Jan. 17

"Harmony is when we're able to strike the balance between expectations of our families and responsibilities in the world on one hand with our inner needs for spiritual growth and personal expression on the other.  This is a difficult challenge because it requires us to make choices every day. When distractions of daily life deplete our energy, the first thing we tend to eliminate is one we need the most: quiet, reflective time. Time to dream, think, and contemplate what's working and what's not so we can make changes for the better."

Today as I visited HIPPY families for the first time since resigning from the job last May (I'm just subbing for a while), I thought about how I knew last year that it was time for me to get my life back in harmony and that would require me to quit my job with HIPPY. I loved the job, enjoyed my coworkers, treasured the relationships I made each year with the families...but it was all coming at too big of a price for me-my quiet/reflective time had become a thing of the past. Maintaining "balance" in life-the harmony if you will, changes with the stage of life you are in at the time. There was a stage in my life that working for HIPPY allowed me to keep the balance-that time had passed because the job was no longer part time. . The cost to my family was too high-I needed to have time to think, plan, dream about my future as I rapidly approach a new stage of life.  I wanted to be available to seize the day and enjoy my daughter's final year at home with our family.  I didn't want to miss a single opportunity to go on college days (which we have done), plan a trip to NYC to celebrate her accomplishments, etc...I understand the value of counting the cost of a commitment and establishing boundaries for myself based on where my life is today.  I learned about knowing your personal limits from watching my parents always push WAY beyond what any human being should endure. I'm thankful to have had that experience to learn from...perhaps without it I would not be able to sacrifice a few luxuries so that I can do the things that truly matter and are priorities for me in the long term. I thank God every day for a husband that so willingly earns a living for our family and  understands the importance of my being at home to manage our household.  He supports me and encourages me in that decision-always has. Never been any pressure to "make money" so we can have more stuff.  Instead, we have always agreed that time is precious, money will come if we are patient, and some things money just cannot buy!  I praise God for giving me parents that taught me how to "budget" and ways to scale back so that I can be at home doing the things my soul longs for, things of eternal importance.  Today-I have such peace in my heart because I finally feel like my life has returned to a state of harmony and it is such a wonderful place to peace with my God and myself!:)

1 comment:

  1. WOW. Seems we are on the same thoughts about a lot of things. No, not the desire for college. That is not of interest to me...but I am trying to figure out my dreams and thoughts. I thank God for sending me a GOOD man. The day will come when I need to step out and get a job. LOVE you girl.
