As most of my readers know, I began my journey as a Team Beachbody Coach in early June. I didn't really begin launching this until about end of the month of June due to a lot of basics I need to learn about Coaching, how I needed to proceed with helping others, etc...
The last few months have been very enlightening to me on many fronts. Here are some of the things I am learning about people. I am amazed how so many friends/people don't even "respond" to personal messages that I send them about helping them with their health/fitness goals. If I am taking the time to send you a personal message, you can rest assured it is because I value you, love you, and want to help ANY/ALL of my friends/loved ones enjoy a healthier lifestyle. Personally, I just find it rude not to respond. I have responded to MANY inbox inquiries with a polite, "I'm not interested right now, but I appreciate you thinking of me". I am totally ok with being told "not now". I'm a big girl, I can handle it and I don't take it personally. I really only want to help those that really are ready for it anyway-my time is a precious commodity and I appreciate just true honest feedback. If you are ready to make a change-I can help you-it's that simple! If you're not, I'll move on and keep searching for someone that is ready/prepared to invest in their pursuit of a healthier lifestyle. I'll keep sending those personal invitations because I've seen it change lives.
This leads me to my second observation, I am TOTALLY pumped by the progress that so many of my challengers/team members are making and the improvements that they share with me, daily. I have run many different "styles" of challenge groups since I began this journey as a Team Beachbody coach. I have helped people (not involved in my challenge groups)-just by helping them invest in their physical health through the daily use of a glass of nutrition in Shakeology. Here are some "results" of changes I've seen in many of my challengers. Innumerable pounds lost through feeding their bodies nutrition instead of toxic waste. I've seen soft drink addiction KICKED. I've seen sedentary lifestyles DEMOLISHED. I've seen couch potatoes become EXTREMELY active and motivated to continue well after the challenge groups "end". Almost daily, I receive a text, inbox message, or have a conversation with someone that has influenced SOMEONE ELSE to become a healthier person. It's a "wave of healthy lifestyles". You see, I am only 1 person and I can try to positively influence/encourage those I know, personally, to pursue a healthier lifestyle. However, each of these people have a circle of influence that I do not it's the ripple effect. When others (outside my circle of influence) see THEIR friends (our mutual friend) making progress, changing habits, becomes an even wider circle of influence. My goal is to END THE TREND of obesity. With my friends help, we can do this one person at a time. It IS working, the results are REAL, and it's VERY contagious:) This is why I regularly ask for "referrals"-friends of my friends. I want to help ANYONE and I mean ANYONE-no matter their age, ethnicity, physical challenges, health challenges, spiritual challenges, emotional challenges, really have the opportunity to have someone invest in them-FOR FREE-to help them understand/learn the habits that can help them live their dream life-whatever that is for them.
So, I've talked about the 2 extremes-those that just seem to be "crickets" when I talk to them, personally, and those that respond and TAKE THE LEAP of faith that their hearts desire in obtaining a healthier lifestyle. The final thing I'd like to share actually deals with the title of this post. I absolutely want to end the trend of obesity among those I love and those I may not even "know". WHY? Because our bodies are fearfully and wonderfully made by our Great Creator God. I want each person to live a life that "glories" Him in their bodies that He so beautifully designed for them. To be more productive in their lives, accomplishing more for Him/His glory, to be exactly the BEST self they can be for HIM! I am a work in progress. I have not/do not do this perfectly-even since becoming a Team Beachbody Coach. However, does the fact that I try to remain positive in my encouragement/posts mean that I am being "dishonest", "not truthful", "not vulnerable" enough? Does it mean that I think I'm "better" than others, have it all together, that it's unobtainable for someone else because I appear to "perfect" and it seems "easy"? These are all things that I've heard from some of the naysayers since I've been on this journey. I've heard every excuse imaginable, every accusation imaginable, etc... I've heard hundreds of explanations WHY this works for me but won't/can't work for someone else. Hello-been there/done that folks! I've used them all-"my family members are obese, I have a predisposition, it's harder for me to lose weight than others, I've tried health/nutrition shakes before-they don't work for me, I can't exercise on my own at home-I need others to be accountable, it's too expensive to eat healthy, I'm on a budget, I don't want to give up ____, I don't have time, I suffer with depression, etc.... Ok folks, that's as real as it gets! I've used them ALL at some time or my shame, I even used the excuse, "God cares more about who I am than what I look like." What a cop out! Yes, of course God cares about my inner character-but isn't it true that He ALSO designed me to live in a physical body-one that He created JUST FOR ME. My body is the temple of the Holy Spirit. Did I ever really "believe" that God didn't care what I ate, if I exercised, etc...of course not! It was just a lie I told myself to help let myself off the hook. A lie I told myself often enough that I began to BELIEVE IT!!!! What does this have to do with being positive you may ask? Folks, it is my JOB as a Team Beachbody Coach to encourage others to live a healthier lifestyle. When I post an encouragement, it does NOT mean that I am doing all of the things I am posting about 100% of the time to 100% perfection! It just means that I NEED accountability-friends to walk along side me to help me on the journey while I help them. Just because I don't post EVERY SINGLE negative experience I have along this journey does NOT mean that I don't have them! I've had them ALL...I've been on this journey to a healthier lifestyle for over 3 years...only as a Beachbody Coach for about 4 months. There isn't much that I haven't seen, felt, experienced that you could mention that HASN"T happened to me. Guess what-my story is NO different than yours-it's a journey, it's a struggle, it's DAILY-the only difference is that I put myself out there EVERY DAY so that I can receive feedback, accountability and motivation to continue the healthy lifestyle that I KNOW God wants us to lead.
I'm going to finish this by posting some of my "real" moments. Anxious about fitting into an airline seat without seatbelt extension, anxious about "weight limit" for various activities I'd like to participate in (many are 250 pounds or under), ability to fit in an amusement park ride, "weight limit" for chairs/ladders I sit in/stand on, hiding/stashing food, going through drive through windows and discarding "evidence" before going home, "closet" eating, middle of night binge eating, ability to climb stairs to see a beautiful view, ability to "control" myself on a cruise when it comes to food intake, depression/crying hours because of my lack of self-control in food/exercise, injury from exercise, etc... The list could/does go on and on. Really, isn't this "common" among the human experience? My experience is no different than yours. However, my job is one that I take seriously. I want to motivate you, give you tools, and ENCOURAGE you to reach deeper, strive for the sky, reach out to God, you journey toward a healthier lifestyle. I've spent ENOUGH of my life sharing my "woes" and why I can't do something to have a positive healthier lifestyle. Instead, I will share with ANYONE/personally/one on one-my experience in any area of my life if it can benefit their particular situation. In my humble opinion (which obviously differs from some others), a general post on social media-whether through my personal fb account, in a group posting, or on my Vicki Craft-Team Beachbody Coach fb page-should be positive/encouraging and that's how I intend to proceed. The word of God says to "provoke one another to love and good works". It is hard to provoke others to something "positive" with a negative post. So, I will continue to just "be me"-my optimistic self-and just love people, share with people, and when they come to me, personally, and want to share THEIR story-if I've struggled with something similar-I'll share mine/my perspective. Otherwise, don't expect my posts to show all of the "mess" in my life each and every day. Doesn't mean my life isn't a mess, not pretending to be "perfect" and have it together-just believe that we live in a world that focuses way too much on the negative/junk/stuff that drags us down. Instead, I choose to have an attitude of gratitude and look for the blessings. So, that's me folks and that's my take on can like it, you can disagree, but there's a "time and place for everything" as the writer of Ecclesiastes says. I love to invest in "people/relationships" and it is there, that you will find the real/vulnerable me. When you inquire about/desire to "invest" with me in the relationship that we can have together along this journey to a healthier lifestyle. I just want to invest in people that want to share "life" with me. But, I only share my "deep inner" life with those that desire the relationship with me-NOT the general public. Hope my perspective helps someone today.